Monday, July 22, 2013

Freedom Fall v1.02 APK

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It's a trip brimming with devilish traps, dark humour and fractured fairy-tale heart.
A trip featuring a brave young man, a warped prison warden, a stunning princess, a step-mother, a king, a barbarian, a dragon rider, a dragonslayer, a thief, a mad genius and a mighty magic potion … but nothing quite fits together the way you'd expect.

By the end you'll determine guilt and innocence … but until then there are lots of deathtraps to dodge, killer balloons to bounce on, jetboards to ride and even a dragon to fight!

High-paced platforming action with a down-scrolling flavour 
A reverse Rapunzel fairly tale gone awry full of dark humour and charm 
Beautiful hand-drawn art 
Devilish traps and obstacles … with attitude 
Bolts to collect and spend on steam-punk upgrades 
Earn the right to determine your guilt or innocence 
A princess who doesn’t exactly need saving


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//PART 2